Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Some Interesting news about IPL

" Modi's new way of churning money from IPL !!! " is suspended for a while.

Indian Premier League (IPL) organisers have suspended the controversial mobile phone-based contest following concerns raised by the country's sports minister last week that it amounted to gambling.

The IPL, promoted by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) and featuring some of the top players in world cricket, had introduced a SMS contest (named as 6up iplayup ) aimed at keeping interest in India alive.

The league, which was a huge commercial success in its inaugural edition in India last year, is being played in South Africa this year as the tournament clashes with India's general elections.

"There was no formal complaint. Such SMS contests are being played world over," IPL governing council member Rajeev Shukla told Reuters on Tuesday.

"But it has been closed for now," he added. He did not say for how long.

Former Indian cricketers had raised serious misgivings about the contest, in which participants have to predict the sequence of runs that will be scored in the next over, saying that it amounted to gambling, which is illegal in India.

India's Sports Minister Manohar Singh Gill expressed concern that it could also give rise to a fresh bout of corruption in the game.

So this new IPL business idea is stopped for this moment.

Source: http://in.news.yahoo.com


" Baseball helmets for umpire "

Increasingly ferocious hits in the fast-paced Twenty20 game is forcing umpires to consider using baseball helmets for protection.

"I guess it's only a matter of time before you see us using those," Australian umpire Daryl Harper told the Times of India newspaper on Tuesday.

"The bats are getting heavier, the shots are hit with more ferocity... I can bet umpires have to be very careful," he said, suggesting a baseball helmet with a full face cover would act as a good form of protection.

Cricket's newest format is gaining popularity because of the frequency of big hits and Harper said this was putting umpires at greater risk due to their proximity to the batsman.

"I was talking about this to some of the other umpires and they were also of the same opinion," said Harper, currently officiating in the Indian Premier League competition in South Africa.

"Given the pace with which some of the players hit those shots, it's becoming really dangerous for us.

"In one of the games, Sanath's (Jayasuriya) shot hit me so hard that I was feeling breathless for a while.

"And (Matthew) Hayden's hits have brushed my ears a few times as well."

So the IPL popularity is going to give a baseball helmet to the umpires.

Source: http://cricket.rediff.com

" Tactical Timeout in IPL is going to change from next year onwards" :Modi

The Indian Premier League (IPL) commissioner Lalit Modi said the duration of the controversial tactical time-out can be reduced during the semi-final and the final of the second edition of the Twenty20 league.

The tactical time-out of seven and a half minutes is introduced after the first ten overs of an IPL match. Modi said during the semi-final and the final the tactical time-out can be divided into two breaks of two and a half minutes each.

"It's not frozen yet but we are looking at two aspects. There will be two two-and-a-half-minute breaks per innings, so the break in all during an innings will be of five minutes," Modi told a television channel.

"The first two-and-a-half-minute break will be just after the powerplay and the second to be taken by the fielding side at any time.

The innovation has come in for severe criticism from captains, who complained that it was breaking the momentum of the match.

"There is a strategy break in every sport. But seven and a half minutes may be is a bit longer, so we are seeing how we can reduce it down to five minutes," Modi said.


" It's decision time folks "

Fake ipl player is doing a voting system. He writes in his blog that
"One last thing. I had mentioned about my decision to reveal my identity at the end of IPL. However, many of you wrote back saying that you'd rather this remain a mystery. Several of you also asked me not to chicken out and stick to my word. Now, while I created FIP, your participation by way of comments, love, appreciation, feedback, criticism, jokes, conversations, brickbats, abuses etc have made FIP what it is today. FIP belongs to all of you as much as it belongs to me. And whether FIP's identity should be disclosed or not, or how it should be taken forward, is as much your decision as mine. So, I'd like to throw the question open to all of you. I am putting up a poll on the right side. Pls take a few seconds to make your decision. One small request, please honour the democratic spirit of this blog and click only once.

Not sure if I'd get a chance to post before the match, but will try for sure. If not, see you later."
He is doing a voting system where he had given option like this

Yes, stick to your word man

Yes, I'd like to see your ass kicked

No, let it remain a mystery

No, I fear for your safety

No, I want this to continue

Who cares a f**k?

And voting shows a result

Yes, stick to your word man 64%

Yes, I'd like to see your ass kicked 03%

No, let it remain a mystery 12%

No, I fear for your safety 05%

No, I want this to continue 06%

Who cares a f**k? 07%

What is he doing?? More traffic?? Yes he wants more traffic and more popularity. Because " Votes so far: 48269 Days left to vote: 4" . What a Intelligent person he is.

It is another way of doing marketing in IPL marketing startegy. I think A case study should be done on the basis of fake Ipl player.

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