Saturday, May 23, 2009

Last post of FIP

His title says everything: "Rest in pieces"
He is saying that he is fade of up with the comments. So he is leaving.Fake Ipl Player also giving some FIP awards.

Best Night Rider Award:
Best Batsman of Leg Spin/Googly/Flipper:
'Highest' Scorer Award:
Saala Slimeball Award:
Award for Contribution to Indian Cricket:
Appam Chutiya Award:
Har Bhajan Award:
Kaan Moolo Award:
British OBE:
Astrologer of the Year: Career Shift Award:
LIC Retirement Benefit Plan Award:
Houdini Fastest Disappearing Act Award:
Cyrus Memorial Bakra Award:
Kingfisher Free Miles Award:
Greenpeace Award for Environment Consciousness:
Colgate Last Laugh Award

This is more interesting than fake player video. People are expecting him in next season also. What do u think??

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